코로나 19 규제동향


○ 제목 : 영국, COVID-19와 관련하여 발행된 최신 규제 지침


○ 등록일 : 2020년 8월


○ 분야 : COVID-19

○ 주요내용

- MHRA는 COVID-19 대유행을 다루는 산업, 의료 전문가 및 환자에 대한 지원 지침과 정보를 지속적으로 발행하고 있음

가장 최근의 문서는 다음과 같음

• How tests and testing kits for coronavirus (COVID-19) work

(10 July 2020)

• Exemptions from Devices regulations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (17 June 2020)

•Regulatory status of software (including apps) used in the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients with coronavirus (COVID-19) (5 June 2020)

• 3D printing (additive manufacturing) of medical devices or component parts during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (4 June 2020)

• Regulatory status of equipment being used to help prevent coronavirus (COVID-19) (23 July 2020)

• Medical devices clinical investigations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (7 May 2020)

•Specification for Rapidly Manufactured CPAP System to be used during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (5 May 2020)

• Specification for ventilators to be used in UK hospitals during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (28 April 2020)



※ 자세한 내용은 아래 출처를 참고하시길 바랍니다.

https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/mhra-guidance-on-coronavirus-covid-19 (last accessed 27 July 2020)


  ○ 제목 : 영국, COVID-19와 관련하여 발행된 최신 규제 지침   ○ 등록일 : 2020년 8월   ...